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Tecnologia da informação
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Many managers who start or are in the process of expanding their businesses, or have already expanded,  and find themselves in a moment of uncertainty whether their processes or information technology team are meeting the expected demand for the company's business.

  • Claims not met within the deadline.

  • High cost of infrastructure.

  • No standardization of processes.

  • No SLA (Service Level Agreement) or No SLO (Service Level Objective) which are service level agreements, not defined, or not fulfilled.

  • Badly sized teams.

  • Unstructured teams.

At RAGN IT 360 degrees, we see technology as a facilitator to increase the performance of your business team when it comes to productivity.

Through the 360-degree analysis, we can identify the bottlenecks of your operation, which in many cases, oversized systems or processes are used or not, the adequacy generates the stability factor and guide for a successful journey.

Through our IT Services and Consulting, these analyzes and recommendations are unique to each business and, therefore, we are able to adapt them to your needs! The use of technology is essential for your company, so why not rely on a personalized service designed especially for you?


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